The Awakening is entering its third and final year of funding by the Martín-Baró Fund. It operates in the Swat district of Pakistan, under extremely difficult and threatening security conditions, including assaults and other forms of interference from both military and governmental agencies, as well as from terrorists. During the past year, these conditions forced it to delay some of its programs temporarily. As a result, some of its activities during the coming year will need to be devoted to training participants on safety and security, and the creation of trauma healing manuals.

The group’s goal is to build a violence-free, socially cohesive society through conflict resolution, and to break cycles of violence both in the wider community and in the individual homes of its members. It will be pursuing these goals through the formation and orientation of peace committees and support groups for women, men, and transgender members—as well as through training focused on conflict management and resolution, trauma healing, breaking cycles of violence, and encouraging nonviolent ways to build healthy individuals and communities.