Médicos Descalzos is receiving its third and final year of funding from the Martín-Baró Fund. In 2014, Médicos Descalzos was able to complete a comprehensive guide to the five additional mental health challenges identified in previous participatory and action research with Ajq’ijab’, Mayan traditional healers, who serve as culturally and economically accessible health and mental health resources for rural indigenous communities. This popular education manual will be completed in mid-2015 and will be presented in a department wide meeting of Ajq’ijab’. In addition, the 2015 grant from the Martín-Baró Fund will support a participatory project with local midwives, an initiative based on observations of psychological problems confronting Mayan women in childbirth that contributed to maternal or infant deaths. Project coordinators will document local understandings and practices through participatory workshops with Mayan midwives and then return the knowledge they generate to them and to other midwives through illustrated popular education books and participatory workshops, thus contributing to enhanced preventative health and mental health resources for pregnant women. Finally, Médicos Descalzos will continue to facilitate cultural exchanges between Ajq’ijab’ and psychiatric residents at the National Mental Health Hospital, Frederico Mora, educating the latter in Mayan traditional beliefs and practices and thereby contributing to these health workers’ psychosocial and preventative mental health work among the Maya.