NOMADESC has worked since April 2000 to address poverty, trauma, and hopelessness brought on by the Triana massacre in El Valle de Cauca, Colombia. With a continued military presence and a deep feeling of injustice in the region, Nomadesc, through the “Las Mujeres de Triana” project, seeks not only to repair, but also to re-establish these lost rights. The Martín-Baró Fund will assist the community to develop and establish practices to repair the psychological, socio-cultural and financial damage.

The “Mujeres de Triana” encourages the community to reflect on how armed conflict, kidnappings, and reliving of the trauma in the territory impact the lives of victims. Nomadesc will provide training workshops to gain practical and theoretical tools to aid and strengthen the recovery of historic memory, so that this knowledge can be passed on and can, subsequently, unify the community. Through symbolic acts, social demonstrations and the creation of “la casa de la memoria”, they aim to create a symbolic and physical space to commemorate their losses and pay tribute to the massacre’s victims and their families.

With the help of the Martín-Baró Fund, this project will not only reduce the psychological and physical symptoms of institutional trauma, but also, strengthen the memory and the collective power of the community to demand justice for all and repair human rights.