The Indradevi Association is a grassroots organization that provides community education about STDs and HIV and has clinics in slum areas of Phnom Penh, and in nearby rural provinces, that provide care to people with STDs, HIV and AIDS, especially prostitutes and the very poor. Providing assistance to people with AIDS and their families is another service the organization offers. Through their community education and clinic work with prostitutes and the poor, the Indradevi Association staff have come to be known and respected as resources in the areas in which they work. Their involvement in the community has increased their awareness of the need to provide mental health services to these populations as well, given the high incidence of personal and community trauma that the people they work with have experienced.

A grant from the Martín-Baró Fund will provide money to open a counseling room where people can come to discuss emotional difficulties in individual and group settings with trained volunteers and staff. Moreover, funding will support the training of fifteen volunteers who will then lead workshops in the community that will focus on developing problem-solving skills, finding ways to resolve conflict and communicate effectively, and learning how to manage stress.