The Bartolomé de las Casas Center and Foundation (CBC) was created in El Salvador to help heal communities affected by political, social, and historical trauma. The treatment of these communities, many of whose members survived war and armed conflict, has been facilitated through the affirmation and inclusion of intercultural and ancestral practices. 

With financial support from the MBI, the CBC  will support Nuku Yolb’e, a dialogue and exchange with survivors from two different towns:  Chalatenango, El Salvador, and Quiché, Guatemala. The project aims to link the two communities, both with pasts of military dictatorships and grave structural injustices, in conversation to explore and redefine collective memory in pursuit of strengthening mental health, supporting resilience, and centering human rights. The ongoing conversation will be multigenerational, including young people, survivors, grandparents, and leaders of these communities. The CBC will create the space for an exchange of experience and wisdom in a community radio format.